Franco Curletto

Vanity Fair Cover for Noemi


Post-quarantine beauty treatments

These have been difficult months and times are not bright yet, but at least now activities have restarted and the economy seems to be taking off again. The Beauty Salons have also opened their doors wide and offer beauty treatments to take care of yourself all over again after the lockdown. Traditional beauty treatments: how to take care of the

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Men’s haircuts for 2020

At the opening of the Beauty Salons, even the male gender decided to take care of their hair style. But what are the latest trends for this year? The men’s cuts in 2020 leave room for longer lengths than in previous seasons. Natural hair is particularly appreciated, without any kind of product that models it. In short, it is the

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Trendy hair for summer 2020

Finally the doors of the Franco Curletto salons have reopened: goodbye to split ends, regrowth, dry or damaged hair. After months of lockdown, we’re back in the world of hairstyling with lots of news about hair trends for summer 2020. What are the trendy haircuts for summer 2020? The hair trend for summer 2020 leaves room for all lengths: from

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Pre-summer hair detox treatments

When we talk about detox we immediately think of skin scrub products or remedies that aim to purify the body with healthy foods. It is therefore overlooked that your hair also needs detox treatments.  Just think of smog, polluting powders or the myriad of wrong products we use that make our hair dull, opaque and dirty. To remove residues, which

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Stimulate the growth of your beard with specific treatments

Beard styling means a specific technique to take care of your beard with specially-made products and treatments: the aim is to stimulate its growth in a few steps. If you want a perfect frame for your face, you can’t just trim it at home: you have to take care of your face at 360°, choosing the exclusive beard treatment offered

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A perfect haircut? A customized one

If you are experiencing a period of change, probably you are willing to change your look as well: 9 times out of 10 people start from their hair. Are you willing to change your hairstyle but you don’t know what is the perfect haircut to bring out your face? What is a perfect haircut? Franco Curletto, worldwide popular hairstylist, has

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Instrumental cosmetics facial treatments in Milan and Turin

Worldwide known hair stylist Franco Curletto offers instrumental cosmetics treatments in his salons in Milan and Turin, aimed at regenerating your facial skin and adding tone and elasticity. What are the facial rejuvenation techniques? At Franco Curletto’s salons, in Milan and Turin, you can try various techniques to rejuvenate your face, such as: energic skin, a rejuvenating cell treatment obtained

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How to become a successful “hairstylist”

Having the right knowhow is crucial to become a true hairstyling expert. Thanks to the training Franco Curletto, based on innovation, method and identity, anyone can aspire to become a successful “hairstylist”. Ambition alone is not enough, even though it certainly “triggers” the process to get the tools and knowhow of this industry. The Factory, the training project Franco Curletto,

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The Factory: not just a hairstylist course

Inspired by Franco Curletto’s philosophy, The Factory is not just a hairstylist course, but also a customizable and ambitious training project aimed at providing each participant with the newest hairstyling techniques. It is conceived for those who are willing to share beauty and the methods of this worldwide popular hairstylist. The training Franco Curletto enables each participant to learn artistic

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